Tuesday, December 4, 2007

You Say You Want a Revolution....NOT

"Evolution, not revolution. That was what America was all about"

This excerpt from Nelson DeMille's book The Gold Coast seems crazy when you first read it but as you think more about America and our history as a country you begin to see that that sentence might not be mumble-jumble at all.

Here are the definitions to revolution and evolution (courtesy of dictionary.com):

rev·o·lu·tion: an overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed.

ev·o·lu·tion: any process of formation or growth; development

Sure people can say that our country started from the American Revolution against Great Britain, but what did we do after the war? We changed the way we govern to fit our own standards. The Constitution is a perfect example of how our country has benefited from evolution. Our first Constitution, the Articles of Confederation, was based off of the saying "We will never be like them" (Them being England). However, as Americans went about their daily lives it was obvious that there were major flaws in that document. Our lower stage of laws no longer help the country and in turn our founder's developed the Constitution that we now know of today.

Even looking at modern day we can see that evolution is key to America. Technology has never revolted against us or itself. It has gone through a rapid evolution from the telegraph to the Internet in less than 200 years. Another example is when one business succeeds by taking in new trends and using that to their advantage while another business never changes until it is too late.
You say you want a revolution? Why not evolve to make your life better.

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