Sunday, September 23, 2007


This week we listened to "Radiolab". This segment was about memories and the ability to erase them. Can you imagine what it would be like to no longer remember? How can it be that one moment we can remember something so vividly and the next it is gone. If we were to erase memories or have the ability to control what people can or cannot remember what would happen to us? Who would "control" us and what would we be allowed to remember?

I also want to point out from our discussion when it is right to have the ability to erase memories. In my opinion, never. Memories are the building blocks of who we are and no matter how bad or awful an experience is we have the ability to learn from it. That's what is so great about our minds. We can experience something (whether directly or indirectly) and separate the good and bad. We learn to repeat the good and then try to make sure we never have to go through the bad part of it again. I guess what I'm trying to say it why would you want to keep making the same errors over and over again. It was like the mice who kept shocking themselves because they couldn't remember the sounds. Do we as humans want to keep shocking ourselves again and again?

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