So basically this republican presidental candidate hopeful, Mike Huckabee, recently ran a Holiday themed campaign ad. As he was talking about whatever people talk about in those commercials you couldn't help but notice the bookshelf in the backround. Heres an example of whats in the ad:

Notice anything??? Doesn't it seem that the lighting on the bookshelf makes it resemble pretty close to...lets say....a cross?? Now, Huckabee defended himself be saying that the bookself is just a bookself and nothing else. Of course anyone whose has been in a library could say that because there is literally a bookself in behind this guy. However, if you were to look further into it you could determine the following. Since we are getting extremely close to Christmas (7 days for those keeping track) and its a Christian holiday don't you think that Huckabee could be trying to catch the attention of those Christian voters. I mean, the majority of voters (approximentally 82%) in American are Christian. In my opinion its just simple math: Christian voters+huge majority+cross=votes for Huckabee. Do you think this is just a "fluke" or did this guy running for president really ment to connect with all those potential voters in only thirty short, sweet seconds?
If you want to see the complete ad you can find it at
Oh, and Happy Holidays.
I thought this was a really interesting thing to pick up on Sami! Like Bolos said in class, every little detail is taken into consideration, like the "cross" in the background.
When we watched the rest of this ad, I was so incredibly suprised at how not so secret the message was. It was pretty obvious that he supported Christianity and that was what he believed in. It was really interesting to me how he said he tried to stay away from a presidential ad, yet it was pretty obvious that that was what he was going for.
Great Post,
*Begin Rant*
That was really interesting. I can't believe how explicitly Huckabee decided to express his religious views. Even without him saying "celebrating the birth of Christ", the cross in the background is very obvious and it deliberately expresses his religious views. The cross bothers me more than anything as he tries to play it off like its just a bookshelf, and because its so obvious it makes me see him as phony. Also, what's up with the whole "I'm sick of political ads" while clearly putting his website on the bottom of the screen. I'm sick of phony politicians like him who don't really seem to give a crap about the people, and all that matters to them is getting votes. A seemingly smart decision, it also really bothers me how he decides to speak with a Midwestern accent and also bring up religious views for the Iowans, so to appeal to them. We are not voting for him for his accent or his religious views, and I find it annoying that he tries to use it to his advantage.
*End Rant*
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