Monday, April 21, 2008

So Junior Theme is still going and its never ending. However, I've finished one part of the research criteria which is ann interview. Over e-mail, I had the opportunity to ask John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, a few questions about the U.S. government's foreign aid policy. Some of his answers to my questions were really surprising. You could tell how passionate he was and how much he cares about our country and future generations. Here are a couple of the questions I asked: (bold is Mr. Perkins)

The United States claims that one of the reasons for giving foreign aid is to combat terrorism. Do you think that giving money to countries like Colombia, Pakistan, and Iraq really achieves this goal? Why?

No, it encourages terrorism which only exists on a significant scale because people are impoverished, exploited and desperate. Violence begets violence. The money ought to go toward helping the poor get better lives. That's the way to combat terrorism.

Why is there such a difference between foreign spending in the Middle East while underdeveloped countries in Africa desperately need money? Isn't one of the goals of foreign aid to reduce poverty?

Unfortunately foreign aid is about exploiting and helping the multinationals, not reducing poverty. People like you and the rest of your generation will suffer terribly from this, as it creates an unstable, unbalanced and desperate world. You and I must work to change this terrible situation.

I'm really excited to incoorperated these and the other questions into my junior theme.

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