So basically this republican presidental candidate hopeful, Mike Huckabee, recently ran a Holiday themed campaign ad. As he was talking about whatever people talk about in those commercials you couldn't help but notice the bookshelf in the backround. Heres an example of whats in the ad:

Notice anything??? Doesn't it seem that the lighting on the bookshelf makes it resemble pretty close to...lets say....a cross?? Now, Huckabee defended himself be saying that the bookself is just a bookself and nothing else. Of course anyone whose has been in a library could say that because there is literally a bookself in behind this guy. However, if you were to look further into it you could determine the following. Since we are getting extremely close to Christmas (7 days for those keeping track) and its a Christian holiday don't you think that Huckabee could be trying to catch the attention of those Christian voters. I mean, the majority of voters (approximentally 82%) in American are Christian. In my opinion its just simple math: Christian voters+huge majority+cross=votes for Huckabee. Do you think this is just a "fluke" or did this guy running for president really ment to connect with all those potential voters in only thirty short, sweet seconds?
If you want to see the complete ad you can find it at
Oh, and Happy Holidays.